RECAP Immigration News

Immigration News Revise

Immigration PR Canada Australia New Zealand

The Immigration Affairs

Visa processing can be a complicated affair for the new offshore aspirants owing to the multiple and specific immigration compliances. Every step mandates to puff off the query dust before you hit that submit tab, after all, it's the immigration affair.

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Overseas Opportunity

The foreign nation will always clearly communicate about their skill requirement and based on the skill match, applicants receive the invite. Things work out a bit differently when it's the overseas recruitment, it's systemized and has mandatory norms to be followed. 

Countries like Canada, Australia, Germany, and others have points-based criteria that help the candidates self-assess their eligibility to migrate to that particular country. Additionally, there are certain evaluations based on the candidate's age, qualifications, skills, and other credential checks. 

Different visa types let candidates stay and study/work abroad with each permit has its own requirements. 

The eligibility criteria in Canada may differ from the compliances in Australia or the United States. The skill assessment may not be the same for New Zealand and Germany. Aspiring immigrants are to wisely opt for their target nation based upon their career interest or skill match if aspiring for a work visa. 

Recent News

Not later than a month, Canada announced their immigration statistics with regards to the Skilled immigrants from India and that stands at approximately 400000 by the year-end 2022. About 108000 have already migrated to Canada on PR. 

Although the Canadian Government updated their low employment rate, steady as the prior month, but also mentions the need for a billion skilled workers. Canada still holds the record of having fewer job crises and is one of the happiest places on earth. 

But with joy, sorrow too trails.

In the most recent update, Canada immigration data reflects maximum visa rejection of the Indian applicants hailing from Haryana and Punjab. Some are held due to incomplete documents while some are cases of forging certificates. 

Not only Canada, in fact, but all foreign nations also have strict immigration policies which for them is a must to comply with. 

Hence, it's important to apply only if you have credible eligibility.

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